
Here's what people are saying about Hope For The Soul Ministries

“I finally feel hope and joy! While I have had a couple of episodes of depression they were short-lived and I truly feel as though I am living with love, purpose and joy! David has shown me that my life in Christ is a journey and making progress is something to be celebrated and to be thankful for.”


“David’s response was immediate and comforting; it made me laugh and brought me to tears, and provided a comfort that I can’t express in words. He reminded me of God’s grace in orchestrating our life steps and that hardships in life may always be difficult to understand, even when we feel like we’re being obedient in our walk with the Lord.”


"Hope for the Soul is a very unique church environment. Everyone feels like family. The type of help I needed was understood immediately. Every time you walk into the office, there is always something that they are doing to help people like the homeless or poor. Hope for the Soul is great."


"Hope for the Soul is founded upon teaching others how to “struggle well” amidst life’s inevitable traumas, break downs and let downs. Through many of his own personal experiences, David is familiar with the language of pain and suffering and is able to relate to life’s deep sorrows while never accepting a spirit of complacency, bitterness or despair as the solution. Instead, he faithfully teaches his clients how to successfully navigate and overcome traumatic life events such as abuse, neglect and addiction through new and healthy ways of thinking, communicating and living.

When the truth of my husband’s alcoholism revealed itself three years ago, there were very few people in my life who knew how to help me process the aftershock of his leaving our family for long-term rehab. Over the course of the next few years, his addiction cycle of sobering up only to relapse again became a pattern of abuse and neglect that my children and I would have not been able to thrive in the midst of had it not been for David’s teaching and direction. David was quick to learn my language of insecurity, fear, and feeling unloved, in order that he might speak to my soul, while also teaching me how to communicate love, self-worth and value back to my own heart. God has used David to empower my voice and to remind me that I am valued, loved and worth the fight. He has identified voids that only Jesus can fill and then taught me how to continue to seek Jesus’s power and fulfillment in those places.

David means many things to my family. He has gone above and beyond to make sure we are well looked after and cared for. He is dedicated to spending time with my boys as a healthy role model and is always only a phone call away in times when I am really struggling. David has become a much needed source of wisdom and reliability for myself and my boys and most importantly, a true friend and advocate.Thank you David and Hope for the Soul, for all that you do – for myself and so many others."

- LM

"When I first went to Hope for the Soul, I had no idea what to expect. I thought I needed help with my kids and wife. I soon found out I was the problem. David walked me through the process of learning and unlearning. He got me excited to read my bible again. He showed me it was impossible to have a healthy relationship with someone if I first didn’t have a healthy relationship with myself."


"My family has been through hell and back. David and Hope for the Soul became our safe place as we began putting our lives back together after a very traumatic event. Morning through night, David is available to help us navigate the next challenge we struggle with. He always greets us with a hug and smile (and snacks and drinks) and never lets us feel shame for the struggles we are having. Hope for the Soul really has become family to us."


"The Hope for the Soul “Story Teller” groups changed how I look at faith, church and emotional health. David texts us all every day with words of encouragement and learning tools.  He truly practices what he preaches. The Culture and Community of HFTS always come before programs and money. This is the safest I have ever felt in a church environment."


"I have been struggling with anxiety, depression and addiction for 30+ years. I started drinking at an early age to numb my family sadness. Twenty-five years ago, I got sober and attended a 12-step program. However, I realized that just being sober wasn’t a very healthy goal in life. I felt like I was no longer growing at all emotionally or spiritually. I was just stuck. During that time, I was prescribed multiple different antidepressants, read self-help books, saw 10 different counselors, went to an outpatient treatment program and became a “Christian”. Regardless, I continued to struggle with anxiety so severe I had a hard time functioning day to day and made several trips to the emergency room due to panic attacks. My marriage and family life were a mess because my anxiety and depression kept me from getting out of bed and dealing with my emotional issues. My wife and children were also lost and directionless as they were struggling with their own mental/emotional health issues as well. There was a lot of anger and tension in our house. I felt hopeless and scared and sure I was going to die or go insane.

A little over three years ago, it was recommended that I call a place called Hope for the Soul. I was told this place was different and David was a very unorthodox counselor/Pastor. After just a few meetings with David I felt like I was making my first progress in over twenty years. This was the first time in my life I felt like I was able to deal with my anxiety and it is now no longer running my life. I feel confident that we have a path forward that actually works! We soon started marriage counseling as well and gotten help for all my children. My marriage and family life have improved immensely. We are learning to communicate openly and honestly for the first time. So many things in our lives have gotten better that I could barely list them all. When we started at Hope for the Soul, our financial situation was not good at all. We quickly discovered that money would not be an issue and David only wanted to help me and my family. This was very important because we were struggling in so many ways, and we couldn’t afford the counseling we so very needed.

I think David is in a unique position to help people like us because he has personally dealt with many of these issues in his own life and has a deep understanding and compassion for us and what we are dealing with.

I can honestly say that Hope for the Soul has given us “Hope” where none existed. We were living in daily survival mode without any way out. Our lives our still far from perfect but we now have lives that are worth living and a place where we can go to help us every step along the way."